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Is My IT Company Understaffed?

当你对IT服务公司提供的服务和结果感到失望时, 很难准确地指出原因,但其中一个原因可能是他们人手不足,工作过度. 这种下降可能发生在一段时间里,或者你们的关系已经持续了一年,很明显,it公司不能兑现他们的承诺.

Either way, when your IT services company is understaffed它会在你的业务中表现为挫败感、反复出现的问题和明显的无能. Is this happening to you?

  • IT keeps fixing the same issues.
  • 我们永远不知道什么时候我们的支持请求会得到回应.
  • 他们所做的只是处理症状,而不是技术问题的根源.
  • 我们有新员工入职,但他们的电脑还没准备好.
  • My IT company told me over the phone to reboot the server.
  • 我们的员工不喜欢向他们求助,因为他们没有跟进.
  • 在我们交往的前六个月,他们都很棒. But now…


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Signs That IT Support is Spread Too Thin

Employees Don’t Get the Help They Need

当您的员工提交服务请求时,他们没有得到所需的响应. 也许他们花了很长时间才得到回复,或者他们得到的指导没有帮助. 每个人都避免打电话给帮助台,因为缺乏跟进. People just try to fix their issues themselves, ask a coworker for help, or just live with their issue.

IT Staff Turnover is High, Morale is Low

很明显,It公司的人员流动率很高,这也不足为奇. 在人手不足的IT公司工作意味着持续的高压力和长时间工作. 错误是常见的,当工人要求更多的人力,即使只是兼职. 不幸的是,管理层告诉他们“不”,然后他们又带来了另一个客户.

Only One or Two IT People Know Your Company

通常将技术资源分配给特定的客户帐户. 这一资源负责该特定客户端的所有支持工作. 因此,当它们不可用时,客户端被迫等待. What’s more, 没有太多的文档,这意味着一个员工所做的工作不能被另一个员工所遵循. When an employee resigns, 他拿走了只存在于他头脑中的客户知识, which brings us to the next point.

No One at the IT Company Knows Your Business or IT Systems

The person that covered your account is no longer there. 我们给你安排了新的线索,但他还不了解你的系统. 同样,没有很多文档可以帮助解决这个问题. Details and neglected and processes are not followed. Simple tasks are missed.

Simple Tasks Keep Falling Through the Cracks


  • 你的新员工没有电脑,尽管你几周前就提交了申请. 
  • Email went down because your DNS registration lapsed.
  • Computers are running Windows updates during business hours. 

IT Fixes Never Get to the Root of the Problem

The same issues keep coming up. 而不是解决根本原因,您的IT公司把工作放在适当的地方,并继续前进. 有时您所能做的就是尝试自己重新启动服务器, which is very disruptive during business hours.

Fast is More Important Than Doing Things the Right Way

With so many clients in the queue waiting for assistance, 在人手不足的IT公司,快速做事比正确做事更重要. 因此,他们从不花时间和精力去寻找长期的解决方案. 解决方案和快速修复是跟上越来越多的来自沮丧客户的响应性支持电话的关键. 项目未完成,文档被完全遗漏.

Proactive Maintenance is an Afterthought

“积极主动”一词已成为世界各地外包IT公司的口头禅. 有一些令人惊叹的产品可以让IT公司密切关注客户系统的健康状况,但仅仅拥有这些工具并不能使IT公司积极主动. Responding to an alert is reactive. 积极主动需要有专门从事系统管理和维护的人员, and not continually being pulled away for reactive services.

You Wonder If You’re One Step Away from a Crisis


  • Is my firewall configured properly?
  • Is every endpoint protected?
  • Is my older hardware in danger of failing?
  • Do I have good backups of my data?
  • Is my staff aware of cybersecurity risks?
  • Can guests access our network through our wireless system?

The Honeymoon is Definitely Over

也许前几个月进展顺利,但最近没有太多沟通. 在一开始就应该解决的问题仍然存在. 承诺给你的技术计划会议从未发生过. 事实上,我们在入职后还没有和他们开过会.

Related: 5 Ways Managed IT Services Solve Your IT Staffing Problems

Short-Staffed IT is Sabotaging Your Success

如果您认同这些在您的IT公司人手不足时所发生的事情, 你当然知道这种情况对你的生意影响很大. 你总是在追赶,因为这就是IT正在做的事情. Customer and employee satisfaction is compromised. Productivity is in the tank. Can you really continue like this?

How Bellwether Helps

IT行业的不幸现实是,公司已经开始接受外包合作伙伴提供的令人失望的IT服务. It doesn’t have to be this way. The cycle can be broken. 如果你是一个决策者,上面提到的任何事情听起来都很熟悉, it’s time for a new managed services provider.

Bellwether帮助墨西哥湾南部的组织改进他们如何管理他们的技术,使其成为他们成功的驱动力. 无论您是需要全面的支持,还是只想增强您自己的IT团队,Bellwether都能提供.

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